ApexクラスをREST APIで呼び出せるようにします。
@RestResource(urlMapping='/Cases/*') global with sharing class CaseManager { @HttpGet global static Case getCaseById() { RestRequest request = RestContext.request; // grab the caseId from the end of the URL String caseId = request.requestURI.substring( request.requestURI.lastIndexOf('/')+1); Case result = [SELECT CaseNumber,Subject,Status,Origin,Priority FROM Case WHERE Id = :caseId]; return result; } @HttpPost global static ID createCase(String subject, String status, String origin, String priority) { Case thisCase = new Case( Subject=subject, Status=status, Origin=origin, Priority=priority); insert thisCase; return thisCase.Id; } @HttpDelete global static void deleteCase() { RestRequest request = RestContext.request; String caseId = request.requestURI.substring( request.requestURI.lastIndexOf('/')+1); Case thisCase = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Id = :caseId]; delete thisCase; } @HttpPut global static ID upsertCase(String subject, String status, String origin, String priority, String id) { Case thisCase = new Case( Id=id, Subject=subject, Status=status, Origin=origin, Priority=priority); // Match case by Id, if present. // Otherwise, create new case. upsert thisCase; // Return the case ID. return thisCase.Id; } @HttpPatch global static ID updateCaseFields() { RestRequest request = RestContext.request; String caseId = request.params.get('id'); Case thisCase = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Id = :caseId]; // Get request parameters and set Case fields Map<String, String> params = request.params; // Iterate through each parameter field and value for(String fieldName : params.keySet()) { // Set the field and value on the Case sObject thisCase.put(fieldName, params.get(fieldName)); } update thisCase; return thisCase.Id; } }
curl https://instance.salesforce.com/services/apexrest/Cases/<Record_ID> -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_session_id>' -H 'X-PrettyPrint:1'