Step 1: Create a Federation ID
ユーザの編集画面を表示。Federation IDに値を入力します。
Step 2: Set Up Your SSO Provider in Salesforce
SAML Identity Provider & Testerリンクをクリック。
Download the Identity Provider Certificateリンクをクリック。証明書をダウンロードできます。
セキュリティのコントロールのSingle Sign-On Settingsから設定。有効化のチェックを付けてから。Newボタンをクリック。
- Name: Axiom Test App
- Issuer:
- Identity Provider Certificate: Choose the file you downloaded in step 3.
- Request Signing Certificate: Leave it as Default Certificate.
- SAML Identity Type: Select Assertion contains the Federation ID from the User object.
- SAML Identity Location: Select Identity is in the NameIdentifier element of the Subject statement.
- Service Provider Initiated Request Binding: Select HTTP Redirect.
- Entity Id: Enter your My Domain name, including “https.” Use the custom domain name that you set up in the “Customize Your Login Process with My Domain” unit.
Step 3: Link Your Identity Provider to Salesforce
SAML Identity Provider & Testerのページに戻り、generate a SAML responseリンクをクリック。ここに必要事項を入力していく。
- SAML Version: 2.0
- Username or Federated ID:
- Issuer:
- Entity Id: The Entity ID from the Salesforce SAML Single Sign on Setting page.
- Recipient URL: Get the URL from the Salesforce SAML Single Sign on Setting page, too. Don’t see it? It’s at the bottom labeled Salesforce Login URL.